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Why is WordPress considered the best CMS platform?

WordPress is synonymous with websites. It is by far the most popular Content Management System (CMS) platform used for making a website with over 40 percent of all websites using it

Initially started as a blogging platform, WordPress has developed into an all-inclusive CMS where you can add and edit features easily with the help of plug-and-play plugins available on its platform. This open-source software is completely free, customizable, and versatile, where anyone with zero coding knowledge can make a website as per his specifications. What’s more, if needed, you can also get professionals to revamp your WordPress website as per your requirements. In fact, there are special WordPress website design and development services available online that help you do this.

 WordPress has more than twice the number of websites made using its platform than the total number of websites made with competitor CMS platforms like Squarespace, Drupal, and Joomla. So, what makes WordPress website development so popular? Let’s see why people choose it over other CMS platforms.

9 reasons most website developers choose the WordPress CMS

Wide range of themes and plugins

There are so many WordPress themes and plugins available online that novice website designers are spoilt for choice. There is practically every type of theme and plugin for every requirement, be it e-commerce, blogging, business websites, one-pager product websites, so on and so forth. Based on your requirement, you can initially use a free theme and plugins and switch to paid ones later.

Free and open source

Being free and open-source means you can initially make a website yourself with free themes and plugins to start with. You can then move on to paid plugins and themes that you can buy from WordPress itself. If you need any advanced features, you can avail WordPress website development services online and get an expert to design, develop and implement that particular feature.

Easy to maintain and use

Practically no other CMS can match WordPress when it comes to user-friendliness. WordPress is especially easy to maintain and use. It can take just a few minutes to set up a website and a theme. This is great for small businesses who want complete freedom to tweak and customize their website the way they want to.

Best user experience

WordPress has been designed to ensure every website made from it loads quickly. With website loading being a core Google ranking algorithm, WordPress offers a better site viewing experience than others. 

With most people going online through their smartphones, fast-loading websites are crucial for the best user experience.

SEO friendly

If a website is not SEO-friendly, it is as good as garbage. The main intention of having a website is getting people to visit it; if that does not happen consistently, that’s a big problem. 

WordPress has customized its offerings to make sure its websites rank well in the Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). The backend code by WordPress is designed so that website owners can use keywords and other features for making the website SEO-friendly.

Highly customizable

WordPress gives you complete freedom to customize the look, feel, and features of your website. You can do this by tweaking the theme, plugin, and other features as and when needed.

A WordPress website allows you to control the size, color, layout, appearance, and functionality without having any coding knowledge. If the changes you want require coding, you can avail of WordPress development services which would get the work done with professional help.

Optimized for mobile

As most users would visit your website via their smartphones, WordPress has ensured the websites made through their platform are mobile-optimized. They come up with regular updates to ensure the website is mobile-friendly. Only if you are using an older version of WordPress and have disabled the automatic updates, your website wouldn’t be mobile optimized.

Hassle-free third-party integration

You probably have a motive to make a website. This could be to showcase your talent, generate leads for your business, or build an informative website. Whatever it is, you are using a few other services on the website- for sharing the website on social media, a chat option to interact with visitors, or anything else that adds value to your website. Integrating these ‘third-party’ services is quite simple with WordPress. You just need to add the plugin to your website and the feature is added almost instantaneously!

Massive online community

In tech parlance, having an online community means you can ask questions, answer queries or refer to questions whenever you are stuck at any point in setting up the website. With more than 60 percent of all CMS users using WordPress, a massive online community can be of great help whenever WordPress introduces new features or updates to the platform.

Sum Up

Considering the features, ease of use, and familiarity people have with WordPress, there is no doubt it’ll remain the most-favored CMS for website development. Others, like Joomla, Squarespace, Wix, and Shopify would find it very difficult to dethrone WordPress from its pole position, especially considering the big lead it currently has over them.

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