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10 Tips to Create an Impressive Social Profile to Boost your Brand

10 Tips to Create an Impressive Social Profile to Boost your Brand

How can you improve your social media profile? Does making it impressive serve any purpose?

Yes, it does! Creating an impressive social media profile attracts new followers. It gets a higher ranking in search results and moreover benefits your social media marketing strategies.

Brand discovery and awareness are the major factors why businesses create social media accounts and stay active on them. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, or YouTube, social media platforms are the best sources to gain visitors to your e-commerce store or simply connect with them.

Ideally, hiring digital marketing services is the best way forward to creating an impressive social profile with an intention of brand-boosting. But even you can take care and implement some simple tips to create a social media profile to attract and engage your followers.Before we share some tips,

let’s see the major ways your social media profile impacts your brand:

1. Faster indexing by search engines and higher search rankings

Follower engagement, frequency of posts, number of followers, these are all accounted for in the search algorithms. While the weightage may be different for each factor, Bing, Yahoo, or Google takes due consideration of the above data

2. Acquiring traffic and new discoveries through content amplification

It helps you find new repeat visitors for your website through organic search and social media marketing.

3. Reaching a targeted audience and increasing brand awareness

Social proof in the form of user-generated content builds your online presence through trust and credibility

4. Link building and driving traffic to useful content

It keeps adding to SEO-friendly inbound links and helps in brand discovery.

5. Local SEO to acquire return visitors

Increasing your presence in the local search and for specific queries is easier through social media accounts

Each of these areas has a profound impact on your website’s search rankings and that is why your social media profile is important for your business. Google isn’t the only platform where people come for specific queries. Today, people conduct more searches for anything they want on Instagram or YouTube. In fact, from brand discoveries to gathering information before making a purchase, from specific searches to completing a purchase transaction, everything is possible on social media platforms.

Here are some great tips to improve your social media profile to boost your brand:

1. Social media profile display name

This is the basic and start of your social media profile creation. Put your brand name and keep it the same for all social media platforms. The best way is to see if the name is already taken. If yes, try to add any suffix that makes sense and retain the same across all social media platforms. Different names confuse the followers and there are chances that they may not relate to your brand.

2. Social media username and URL

Your username is included in the URL and it is different from the display name. Keep the username short and simple. Again, use the same username across all social media platforms. Usually, channels do not allow you to change the username. So be careful while creating it. Assume you own a brand named ‘The Brand Collab’. Do not keep the username as @thebrandcollab for one, @brandcollab for another, @collab for another, @tbc for another, and so on. Instead, fix on a username and use the same for all.

3. Social media profile picture

Brands are usually associated with their logo. It is very common for businesses to put their logo as the profile picture. This is easily recognizable and promotes your brand. And it is a good idea to stick with the logo as the social media profile picture across all channels. There are times when brands change the profile picture when they show solidarity to a cause that they care for or is trending. Also, many brands invest heavily in viral campaigns and they change the profile picture for a short duration until the campaign ends. For example, you can upload the product image as your profile picture for a few days to build excitement around its launch time.

4. Social media profile link

Many social media accounts allow users to add one URL to their profile. Usually, the standard is to keep the link of your business website’s homepage. Another creative idea is to build a separate landing page for social networks showcasing the best-selling or trending products. You can add discount codes for people who have found you through your social media profiles. On Instagram, businesses keep changing this URL link specific to the post and is usually accompanied by a comment “Link in the bio”.

5. Social media profile bio

Have you ever prepared an elevator pitch to promote your business? If yes, this is perfect to put it as your social media profile bio. But the subtle change is to include SEO-friendly keywords in it. Some sites like Facebook and LinkedIn give you an opportunity to write an elaborate description. But some accounts such as Twitter allow you to write a short description. Whatever the length, keep it simple, minimal, and attractive. Here are some tips to write a professional bio-

  • Craft something fresh to engage your followers
  • Tell them about your business and any USP
  • Keep it simple and minimal
  •  Add SEO-specific keywords in the bio but use them sparingly
  • Update it as and when required
  • Encourage people to visit your website
  • Finally, end the bio with a call to action.

6. Social media profile interests

Many businesses skip this part as they relate it more to their personal interests. But it is not so. You can improve your social media profile by adding profiles of influential people in your industry in the interests section. You can also add profiles of popular brands or news accounts. This adds to your credibility and shows that you are serious about your business.

7. Social media cover image

Most social media platforms allow you to add a larger image or video in the background behind the profile name and picture. A custom background image showcasing the USP of your brand or a brief introductory video helps to engage and connect with your followers. Each channel has different image sizing rules. Stick to them and do not use the same image size for all channels. Make use of template guides available in Canva, Hootsuite, or any other sites.

8. Social media activity

When customers follow a brand on social media, they do so because they want to have a relationship with the brand. There are many ways to engage with your followers to make them feel connected to your brand. Once you have set up your profile, your mission is to maintain consistent and continuous social media activity to engage your followers and get new ones. To provide value to users follow these tips:

  • The foremost idea is to post something that engages your followers
  • Share posts and stories of product launches, events, product features and uses.
  • Create posts in image and video form. Give preference to explain in the carousel format.
  • If you do not have interesting ideas any day, you can at least share interesting and relevant things you find
  • Connect with your business-specific groups on social media platforms
  • Engage with customers on social media through behind-the-scenes posts.
  • Celebration content or employee-created informational videos can help build a great rapport with your followers.
  • Post user-generated content such as feedback and reviews. Reshare their posts if they have tagged you.
  • Engage with followers through comments, reshares, and likes.
  • Social media marketing is another way to promote your business and get new followers.

9. Social media platform linking

Post links to your other social media accounts to let people know and follow your brand across all channels. For instance, while posting on Instagram or Facebook, write the user id of other social media accounts in the last portion of the post description. You can also make a Facebook post encouraging people to follow you on Twitter or vice versa. This cross-linking and promoting other channels regularly helps you get new followers quickly.

10. Social media promotion

Always do a healthy promotion of your social media accounts. There are many ways to do it. Add links to your social media accounts on your website’s homepage, About Us page, and Contact page. Keep them on the footer so that visitors can access them from any page. Add them to your emails and digital business cards.

In a nutshell

The intention to improve your social media profile is to increase brand discovery and awareness. It gets you more exposure and enhances your online reputation. Your social media profiles are usually listed on the first page of results along with your website when people search for you on Google or any other search engine. So, it won’t be wrong to say that you can consider your social media profile as a landing page for your brand.

Get your social media accounts optimized by hiring a reliable digital marketing service provider like us. At Houston IT Developers, we improve your social media profile and optimize it for SEO and social media marketing.

Your social media account is the best way to showcase your business. Make the most of it.

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